Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Reuters: Mergers News: TEXT-S&P assigns Heckmann Corp preliminary 'B+' rating

Reuters: Mergers News
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TEXT-S&P assigns Heckmann Corp preliminary 'B+' rating
Mar 27th 2012, 19:17

Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:17pm EDT

 March 27 - Overview              -- U.S. environmental services company Heckmann Corp. plans to issue $250 million of senior unsecured notes and $75 million in equity to help finance an acquisition, repay existing secured debt, and for general corporate purposes.             -- We are assigning our preliminary 'B+' corporate credit rating to         Heckmann and preliminary 'B-' issue-level and '6' recovery ratings to the        company's proposed notes.             -- The rating outlook is stable, reflecting our expectation of increasing   sales and profitability in a growing market, offset by negative cash flow due    to high discretionary capital expenditures.               Rating Action    On March 27, 2012, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services assigned its preliminary   'B+' corporate credit rating to Coraopolis, Pa.-based Heckmann Corp. The         outlook is stable.                At the same time, we assigned our preliminary 'B-' issue-level and '6'   recovery ratings to the company's proposed $250 million senior unsecured         notes. The '6' recovery rating indicates our expectation for a negligible (0%    to 10%) recovery for lenders in the event of a payment default. We have          assigned our ratings based on preliminary terms and conditions.           The company intends to use the note proceeds, along with $75 million from an     equity issuance, $17.5 million of equity held in escrow, and $63 million of      existing cash to acquire Scottsdale, Ariz.-based oil recycler Thermo Fluids      Inc. (TFI; unrated), a provider of used oil recycling services in the Western    U.S. The company will also use the proceeds to repay its existing secured        credit facilities, to pay for transaction fees and expenses, and for general     corporate purposes.               Rationale        The preliminary ratings on Heckmann reflect the company's "weak" business risk   profile and "aggressive" financial risk profile. Heckmann transports and         disposes of water used in the hydraulic fracturing (fracking) process of oil     and gas exploration in shale regions. Pro forma for the TFI acquisition, we      expect the company's traditional water-related businesses (Heckmann Water        Resources, or HWR) to account for 58% of revenues and the acquired oil-related   businesses to account for 42%. The company's operations are subject to the       supplies and pricing of oil and gas, since adverse commodity price movements     may impact the future development and growth rates of shale fracking. The        company has grown significantly during the past three years, increasing sales    from less than $4 million in 2009 to $157 million in 2011. We expect sales to    hit $380 million in 2012. Heckmann was founded in 2007 to make investments in    various businesses. Despite favorable credit measures at the outset, we expect   the company to continue to make tuck-in acquisitions from time to time, many     of which may require debt financing.              The company is acquiring TFI for approximately $245 million. We expect that      $227.5 million of the purchase price will come in the form of cash       consideration and $17.5 million as equity issued to the former owners of TFI,    which include equity sponsor CIVC Partners.               TFI is one of the larger oil recyclers in the U.S., with services in 18          states, predominantly in the Western U.S., and over 40% of revenues split        evenly between the Mountain and South Central states. The company collects       used motor oil which it recycles and reprocesses into reprocessed fuel oil.      Heckmann expects TFI to generate $105 million to $115 million in revenue from    April through December 2012. We do not expect significant synergies from the     transaction, since TFI's 290 trucks are specialized and are not likely to be     able to be used in Heckmann's core business of frack water transport and         disposal. We also believe the acquisition increases the company's exposure to    oil price movements. However, despite the lack of synergies and TFI's exposure   to oil price movements, we believe the acquisition also increases Heckmann's     service diversity and revenue stability; its operating results could benefit     from the TFI acquisition if oil prices remain high while natural gas prices      remain low. We also believe that the business mix will benefit from the          steadier, slower growth of its oil recycling business compared than its frack    water transport and disposal segment, which lacks a proven track record. Yet,    despite relatively slower growth, TFI's profitability is very good, with         EBITDA margins of 27% in 2011.            We believe Heckmann's traditional HWR business benefits from a good market       position, because the company has a large asset base in the specialized field    of frack water disposal, with more than 635 trucks in service and more than      1,100 frack tanks that are available for its customers to lease. A key feature   highlighting the company's competitive position is its underground pipelines     around Haynesville, La., one of which is a PVC pipeline spanning 40 miles to     provide fresh water used in the fracking process and another is a fiberglass     pipeline that stretches for 50 miles to dispose of the produced water into its   network of 21 salt water disposal (SWD) wells in the region. The company also    has five SWD wells near Eagle Ford, Texas, and two SWD wells around the          Tuscaloosa Marine Shale area in Louisiana and Mississippi, with a handful of     SWD permits in other regions.             The company's main operating regions are in the Marcellus/Utica region in        Western Pennsylvania and Northeast Ohio and the Haynesville area in East Texas   and Louisiana. The company also has operations in other shale plays including    Eagle Ford, Tuscaloosa, and the Permian basin and Barnett regions in Texas.      With persistently low natural gas prices, profitability in the dry gas   Haynesville region declined and the company mobilized resources away from that   area in fourth-quarter 2011 and continued to move into more-profitable oil-      and wet gas-producing regions in Eagle Ford and Marcellus. Despite incurring     $4 million of charges in connection with this redeployment, profitability        remains good, with EBITDA margins of 18% for the year ended Dec. 31, 2011.                Our 2012 performance expectations for Heckmann include:       -- Sales growth of 142%, reflecting its proposed acquisition of TFI., the   full-year effect of acquisitions made in 2011 and 2012, as well as organic       growth arising from relocation and expansion into faster growing liquids and     oil rich shale regions, partially offset by contraction in the lower-growth      dry gas Haynesville region;           -- Consolidated EBITDA margins of 25%, largely on the factors listed        above; and            -- Adjusted EBITDA of $96 million--within the company's stated guidance     of $95 million to $105 million.           We characterize Heckmann's financial risk profile as "aggressive". Despite its   public ownership, Heckmann is still a relatively new and growing company         without an established track record of prudent financial policies. Because the   fracking industry is in a high-growth stage, the company has had to fund large   capital expenditures in order to build the infrastructure necessary to   capitalize on this trend. We still anticipate high capital expenditures during   the next year, though we note that these expenditures are largely        discretionary as opposed to mandatory, and should ease over time. In addition,   we expect the company to engage in tuck-in acquisitions from time to time,       which could involve additional borrowings. However, the ratings are based on     the expectation that the company will successfully execute the equity offering   to help fund the TFI acquisition, which we expect will keep credit measures      appropriate for the rating.               For the current rating, we expect funds from operations (FFO) to debt of         roughly 20%. As of Dec. 31, 2011, the pro forma amount (excluding the    full-year impact of acquisitions) was 16%; however, when incorporating the       full-year effect of Heckmann's acquisitions in 2011 and 2012, along with the     combined company's organic growth prospects, we expect this figure to increase   to the target expected for the rating. Heckmann does not have any        environmental liabilities, and indicates that the produced water it transports   and disposes of is exempt from the U.S. Clean Water Act. Heckmann owns and       operates 25 salt water disposal wells, which are not required to be capped. As   such, the company carries no asset retirement obligations on its financial       statements.               Liquidity        We view Heckmann's liquidity as "adequate". Pro forma for the transactions, we   expect the company to have sufficient availability under the proposed unrated    $150 million revolving credit facility due 2017, because we expect no    borrowings under the facility at first. The facility includes a $10 million      sublimit for letters of credit. Proposed financial covenants at the outset       include a minimum interest coverage ratio of 2.75x, a maximum senior leverage    ratio of 2.50x, and a maximum total leverage ratio of 4.50x. The total   leverage ratio is applicable until the quarter ended Sept. 30, 2012. Based on    our scenario forecasts, we expect the company to be able to maintain     sufficient headroom over the next year.           Our liquidity assessment incorporates the following assumptions and      observations:         -- We anticipate $15 million to $20 million of revolver usage for working   capital needs, with most of the usage occurring in the summer due to     seasonality in the water transportation and oil recycling businesses;         -- High capital expenditures of more than $90 million in 2012, roughly      80% for capital spending and about 20% for maintenance;       -- We expect sources of liquidity to exceed uses by 1.2x over the next 12   months;       -- We expect that net sources would be positive, even with a 20% drop in    EBITDA; and           -- Debt maturities are benign, with the earliest meaningful maturity in     2017.             Recovery analysis        For the complete recovery analysis, see our recovery report on Heckmann, to be   published later on RatingsDirect.                 Outlook  The stable outlook reflects our expectation that hydraulic fracturing activity   will remain favorable to support solid sales and profitability over the next     couple of years, while reductions in discretionary capital spending will         improve the company's free cash flow generation. Our base case assumes that,     over the next year, Heckmann will be able to maintain adjusted EBITDA margins    of around 25%, with FFO to debt of 25% as well.           We could lower the ratings if downside risks to our forecast were to     materialize, such as insufficient proceeds from the pending equity offering,     greater-than-expected debt incurrence to fund the TFI acquisition, unfavorable   economic trends that reduce the profitability of hydraulic fracturing,   environmental-related regulations that curtail drilling activity and     investment, a disruption in water pipelines, other operating problems that       could constrain liquidity, or significant debt incurrence to fund a      shareholder distribution. Based on our scenario forecasts, we could take a       negative rating action if the company's sales growth in 2012 were to fail to     meet expectations and its EBITDA margins decreased to 21%. If this were to       happen, Heckmann's FFO to total adjusted debt would likely fall to the 15%       area.             We could raise the ratings modestly within the next 12 months if the company     establishes and maintains a track record of reliable operating performance and   its business prospects remain robust. While the hydraulic fracturing industry    appears to be strong at present, changes in oil and gas prices could affect      profitability in certain regions, forcing some service providers to incur        unexpected costs as they move manpower and equipment to other regions. Another   important factor in our consideration of a higher rating is whether Heckmann     maintains adequate liquidity levels despite high capital spending and seasonal   working capital-related borrowings.               Related Criteria And Research    Criteria Methodology: Business Risk/Financial Risk Matrix Expanded, May 27,      2009              Ratings List     New Rating; Outlook Stable                Heckmann Corp.    Corporate Credit Rating                B+ (prelim)/Stable/--             New Rating                Heckmann Corp.    $250 mil senior unsec notes            B- (prelim)        Recovery Rating                       6 (prelim)                         Complete ratings information is available to subscribers of RatingsDirect on     the Global Credit Portal at www.globalcreditportal.com. All ratings affected     by this rating action can be found on Standard & Poor's public Web site at       www.standardandpoors.com. Use the Ratings search box located in the left         column. 
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